Universal Mixture BW3a 100%

With this Universal Mixture the clue is in the name. The blend of species is designed to be suitable in a range of environment’s, soil types and growing conditions. The cornfield annuals included will provide a flush of colour in the first year as well as protect against weed ingress while the perennials establish.

Wildflower & Grass Mixture Handbook 2024


SKU: WFUNIVERSAL100250G Category:

100% Universal Mixture 

Kidney Vetch Small Scabious
Ribwort Plantain Greater Knapweed
Black Medick Cowslip
Lesser Trefoil Sainfoin
White Clover Meadow Buttercup
Ladys Bedstraw Salad Burnet
Fairt Flax Field Scabious
Black Knapweed Cornflower
Ox Eye Daisy Corn Marigold
Self Heal Corn Chammomile
Red Clover Corn Cockle
Rough Hawkbit Field Poppy
Common Catsear Campion
Common Birds-Foot-Trefoil
Yellow Rattle
Wild Carrot

Recommended sow rate 3-5g/m²

One of the most important things to remember is to start with a weed-free seed bed to reduce the weeds from competing with the wildflowers.

1. Cultivate and spray off any weeds.
2. Mix the seed well in the bag/box before planting. If you have problems drilling or broadcasting by hand you can mix with a fine dry sand to give some weight to the seed.
3. Broadcast or drill the seed into a clean weed-free seedbed.
4. Roll the ground before, then flat roll after planting.

Once you have sown the mixture, it is very important to manage the growth for the first year. This includes cutting and weeding if possible. If sowing in the autumn, cut the sward when the grass gets established and keep it down to help the flower seeds to germinate. If sowing in the spring, again keep the grass low for the first growing season.