


Gamecover Through The Ages

Gamecover Through The Ages

 Marc Bull, of Bright Seeds, looks at how and why game crops have evolved through the ages, from the impact of World War II to the introduction of stewardship schemes…  It is estimated that roughly 25,000 hectares of gamecover crops are grown across Britain each year....

Game Cover Crops – Cultivation and Moisture Retention

Game Cover Crops – Cultivation and Moisture Retention

It is safe to say that the weather has not been the gamekeepers or the farmers friend recently. You don’t need us to tell you that the last few months have been wet, to say the least. This has created a lot of uncertainty when it comes to game cover crops. With the...

Game Cover Seed – Options for 2024

Game Cover Seed – Options for 2024

Selecting the right game cover seed for your shoot is vital. The decisions made now can have a sizable impact on the general success of the upcoming season – and with the running costs of shoots still at an all-time high, it’s important to get it right first time. As...

SAM3 Herbal Leys – What You Need to Know

SAM3 Herbal Leys – What You Need to Know

With each Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) scheme designed to provide different benefits to the land or the habitat, it can be a little hard to keep up. One scheme that has been discussed with regularity recently is SAM3 Herbal Leys. This falls under the wider...

Wildflowers in Game Cover

Wildflowers in Game Cover

Bright Seeds’ new wildflower specialist Megan Townley known first-hand how effective wildflowers can be within game cover and conversation mixes. The question is, are they being utilised to the full potential…?  To the purist, the term ‘wildflower’ strictly relates to...

The Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) – Scheme Guidance

The Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) – Scheme Guidance

The Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) has been the most talked about initiative in recent weeks, with our office and agents inundated with questions around what mixtures and crops we can provide for the various agreements. This hasn’t come as a surprise. With the...

Biodiversity Net Gain – What is it and are Wildflowers the Answer?

Biodiversity Net Gain – What is it and are Wildflowers the Answer?

From January 2024 onwards, developers in England will be required to deliver a 10% ‘Biodiversity Net Gain’ (BNG) when building new housing and industrial or commercial developments. This is in an attempt by the government to make new infrastructure nature positive....

Stewardship Schemes: 4 Things to Think About

Stewardship Schemes: 4 Things to Think About

For those planning to enter a stewardship scheme, it is high time to start thinking about your options. With so many schemes now available, choosing the right one – particularly given the harsher economic climate – will be an important consideration for farmers,...

Wildflowers: Meet Bright Seeds’ New Wildflower Development Manager

Wildflowers: Meet Bright Seeds’ New Wildflower Development Manager

With wildflower’s becoming increasingly more important and their use more versatile, we now have our own specialist on the subject at Bright Seeds. Megan Townley, our new wildflower seed development manager, speaks about her background, and why wildflowers are the...

4 Summer-Sown Cover Crop Options

4 Summer-Sown Cover Crop Options

We’re now at the point in the growing season which allows us to judge just how the spring planted crops are faring. This helps with the decision as to whether something later-planted is required, depending on how successful everything is looking. Generally,...