Hedgerows, Margins & Shaded Areas BW9a 100%

Often the areas set-aside for wildflower plots are next to a hedge or located in partial shade. This mix has been developed to grow well in these areas, whilst also fulfilling the objective of producing a vibrant display of colour. Species including red campion, field scabious and vetch produce long-lasting flowers that not only look great but also provide a huge amount of nectar for pollinator species.


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SKU: WF/HEDGEROW100 Category:

100% Hedgerows, Margins & Shaded Areas Mixture

Agrimony Meadow Vetchling
Common St John’s Wort Musk Mallow
Common Vetch Ox-eye Daisy
Field Scabious Red Campion
Garlic Mustard Tufted Vetch
Greater Knapweed Wild Carrot
Hedge Bedstraw
Lesser Knapweed

One of the most important things to remember is to start with a weed-free seed bed to reduce the weeds from competing with the wildflowers.

1. Cultivate and spray off any weeds.
2. Mix the seed well in the bag/box before planting. If you have problems drilling or broadcasting by hand you can mix with a fine dry sand to give some weight to the seed.
3. Broadcast or drill the seed into a clean weed-free seedbed.
4. Roll the ground before, then flat roll after planting.

Once you have sown the mixture, it is very important to manage the growth for the first year. This includes cutting and weeding if possible. If sowing in the autumn, cut the sward when the grass gets established and keep it down to help the flower seeds to germinate. If sowing in the spring, again keep the grass low for the first growing season.