Miscanthus Plants

There is growing interest from the shooting community in the establishment of Miscanthus as cover crop. Miscanthus is a woody perennial rhizomatous grass originating from Asia. There are well over 70 different strains. Dwarf types can be used as a perennial cover crop.


Our exclusive variety makes an ideal permanent game cover once established. It will provide warmth and shelter and has a thick root ball which increases its standing ability, provides maximum cover and is a suitable height for the beaters. Once established, Miscanthus will last well over 10 years. It has been successfully grown up to 1,000 ft above sea level.

Planting rate

A guide to sowing rate is 2,500-5,000 plants per HA. However, planting rate will depend on whether it is being sown as a block or as a barrier for other game crops such as maize.

Soil/Seedbed preparation

Miscanthus grows on a wide range of soil types and is tolerant of a wide range of pH but grows best between pH 5.5-7.5. Start with a stable seedbed and spray off any emerging weeds before planting. If available, an application of farm yard manure worked into the soil at preparation time will aid early growth.

Planting and maintenance

The Miscanthus we sell is sold by the plant in plugs, the incidents of crop failure when using tubers with these dwarf varieties are high. Hence, we have developed the system of supplying small plants approximately six inches high.

This gives a much better establishment success. We have found in our trials that protecting with a tree guard will keep the weeds at bay and more importantly keep the pests out. In the third season, Miscanthus can be topped in the early spring, the debris can be left on the surface to suppress future weed growth and to release plant nutrients.

Miscanthus rhizomes also available on request.

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