AHL2/AB9 Save Our Songbirds BSOS1

We launched this SOS mix last year and it has proved to be even more successful than we imagined. It offers many benefits to growers:

  • Complies with stewardship (AB9) and SFI schemes (AHL2)
  • Easy to establish, all the components are small seeded so it can be broadcasted or drilled.
  • Great early vigour, after planting the species within the mix have been selected to get out the ground quickly. Mustard, buckwheat and fodder radish in particular are very fast growing.
  • Save our Songbirds mix has a wide planting window so there is no pressure to establish it within a specific month. It can be planted from May – July.
  • Economically priced to fit into stewardship seed budgets.
  • It produces a huge amount of high protein seed for farmland birds. The buckwheat, millet, quinoa and gold of pleasure are particularly good seed producers. Buckwheat can produce seed just eight weeks after planting. The red and white millet produce seed at different times to elongate the feed availability for farmland birds.


