IPM2/AB8 Flower Rich Margins

This IPM2/AB8 compliant mixture option provides you with traditional grasses and wildflowers providing an important habitat for invertebrates, including pollinators such as bumblebees, solitary bees, butterflies and hoverflies. The increase in insect numbers leads to a knock-on benefit to ground-nesting birds such as grey partridges which rely on a healthy insect population as a feed source for their young.  This option can be established in the spring or autumn.



•             Chewings Fescue
•             Hard Fescue
•             Crested Dogstail
•             Creeping Red Fescue
•             Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass
•             Common Bent
•             Black Medick
•             Black Knapweed
•             Oxeye Daisy
•             Self Heal
•             Red Clover
•             White Clover
•             Birdsfoot Trefoil
•             Sainfoin
•             Yarrow
•             Wild Carrot


•   Chewings Fescue
•   Hard Fescue
•   Crested Dogstail
•   Creeping Red Fescue
•   Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass
•   Common Bent
•   Black Medick
•   Black Knapweed
•   Oxeye Daisy
•   Self Heal
•   Red Clover
•   White Clover
•   Birdsfoot Trefoil
•   Sainfoin
•   Yarrow
•   Wild Carrot

SOWING RATE: 20KG per ha